Deploy a Production React App to Netlify

Esau Silva - Fullstack Software Engineer

In this tutorial, we will learn how to deploy a React app with a back-end API to Netlify. We will cover deploying an Express.js API and Lambda Functions to interact with the React front-end. I have written two other tutorials where we will deploy the same app to Vercel and Heroku. (Links below) Deployment to Vercel Deployment to Heroku

How to use Sass and CSS Modules with create-react-app

A short yet detailed guide to styling components with create-react-app with Sass and CSS Modules, which now is part of CRA. Up until the release of create-react-app v2, if you wanted to include Sass or CSS Modules in your project, you would have to eject from create-react-app, learn Webpack configurations, install Sass loaders and configure it […]