Wait For Trigger File – Unix Shell Snippet

So recently I was doing doing some bash scripting and required a functionality that would allow my script to wait for for a trigger file in order to execute. After some thinking, I was able to some up with a function to perform the required action.


Basically, how this works is that a function will be looping constantly looking in a specific directory for a specific file to arrive, the function will loop ‘n’ times looking for that specific trigger file, sleeping ‘n’ seconds in between tries. Once found, it fires off the next portion of the script (or a separate script). If the file is not found in ‘n’ times, then will exit with an exit code of 1. You can also set it so it will keep looking for the trigger file indefinitely.

This snippet will also send an email if the trigger file is not found in ‘n’ times.

# Snippet that waits for a trigger file

# Script that will send an email

waitForTriggerFile() {

  # Variables used to send an email
  SUBJECT="Trigger File Not Found"

  if [[ ! -f $TRIGGERFILE ]]; then
    while [[ ! -e $TRIGGERFILE ]]; do
    let count=count+1
    if [[ $count == $MAXTRIES ]]; then
      # Sends an email if can't file trigger file in 'n' times
      exit 1
    echo "Will check again in $SLEEPTIME seconds"
    sleep $SLEEPTIME
    # Execute another script
  # Execute another script

In above code ‘sendMail’ is a function in ‘sendMail.sh’ that accepts three arguments: subject, email, and a text file for the email message. You can view the snippet here: send email snippet

Hope this was helpful to you…

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2 thoughts on “Wait For Trigger File – Unix Shell Snippet

  1. Esau Silva says:

    Wait For #TriggerFile – #Unix #Shell #Snippet #Linux http://t.co/VwopMET5

  2. Wesley The Snipert says:

    hello very cool post man!

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