If you are running Android Studio in Linux Mint / Ubuntu 64bit and you just updated to the latest Android Studio version, you might get the following error: /home/esilva/IDEs/android-studio/sdk/build-tools/19.1.0/aapt: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
How To Delete a Module in Android Studio
Android Studio is a great tool, and way better design than Eclipse in my humble opinion, yet not every software is perfect and one of the things it falls short (and by that I mean user friendly) is when it comes to deleting a module within yout project. The folks over at JetBrains made this […]
Android Studio: Failed to complete Gradle execution. Supplied JAVA_HOME is not a valid folder
So I recently upgraded from Java 7 to Java 8, when I opened Android Studio, the below message popped up Failed to complete Gradle execution.Supplied JAVA_HOME is not a valid folder. You supplied /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle I was like, “what the heck!” since I already had changed my JAVA_HOME environment variable…