This is a very common question among newer React developers, and one question I had when I was starting out with React and Node. In this short example I will show you how to make create-react-app work with a Node Express Backend.
Profile Updater – A React App to Update Your Social Media Profiles: Twitter, GitHub & Facebook
If you are anything like me when it comes to keeping your social media profiles in sync, then you could benefit from this app. The purpose is to type your profile information once, and then send the updates to your profile in Twitter, GitHub & Facebook. Just to note, this project is still in development […]
Char, Word, Sentence and Paragraph Counter JavaScript and React
In one of my React projects I had to do a character counter for some text inputs, so I thought it would be fun to build a small project to count characters, words, sentences and paragraphs from a textbox in plain ol’ vanilla JavaSCript and also in React.
Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined – Two Solutions
Trying to use async/await in my React app gave me this error Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined. I found two solutions
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property ‘exports’ of object ‘# < Object >‘
This TypeError is thrown when import is combined with module.exports in a specific JavaScript file (module) and you are using Webpack 2.
React Starter Boilerplate with Hot Module Replacement and Webpack 3
This is a basic React boilerplate with React 16, Webpack 3 and Semantic UI React
Quickly Set Up a Node ExpressJS Server to Serve a Static Site
Node is very practical and lets you set up a server very quickly, with just a few lines of code and allowing you to server your static site files. I use Yarn as my preferred package manager, but you can use npm if you prefer.
Date Range Validation in JavaScript ES5 and One-Liner ES6
Snippet to validate a date range where the start date cannot be greater than the end date in JavaScript, the ES5 way and the better one-liner ES6 way.
Filter Select List Options (Typeahead) in JavaScript ES6
JavaScript ES6 snippet to filter the options in a select list.
Online Markdown Editor – GitHub Flavored
So I spent this past weekend creating an Online Markdown Editor. I used React.js…