This is a very common question among newer React developers, and one question I had when I was starting out with React and Node. In this short example I will show you how to make create-react-app work with a Node Express Backend.
Continue readingProfile Updater – A React App to Update Your Social Media Profiles: Twitter, GitHub & Facebook
If you are anything like me when it comes to keeping your social media profiles in sync, then you could benefit from this app. The purpose is to type your profile information once, and then send the updates to your profile in Twitter, GitHub & Facebook.
Just to note, this project is still in development and not ready for production usage, however it is up to a point where I feel comfortable to make it public. As of the time of this writing, you can already send updates to Twitter and GitHub.
Also, once the project is complete, I will create a series of blog posts tutorials on building this app, including Webpack configuration for development and production.
Continue readingMidwestern Girl Meets South Texas Fall
Midwestern girl shocked to find that her first autumn in South Texas is very un-fall like.
Char, Word, Sentence and Paragraph Counter JavaScript and React
In one of my React projects I had to do a character counter for some text inputs, so I thought it would be fun to build a small project to count characters, words, sentences and paragraphs from a textbox in plain ol’ vanilla JavaSCript and also in React.
Continue readingUncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined – Two Solutions
Trying to use async/await in my React app gave me this error Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined. I found two solutions
Continue readingUncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property ‘exports’ of object ‘# < Object >‘
This TypeError is thrown when import is combined with module.exports in a specific JavaScript file (module) and you are using Webpack 2.
Continue readingBricking My Android Phone And Bringing It Back To Life With The Power Of ADB Commands And TWRP
I was running an Android 7.1.1 custom rom, more specifically PureNexus (which is a great rom by the way), in my Nexus 5X and decided to upgrade to the latest build of PureNexus. So I did what every good person would do, I created a nandroid backup utilizing TWRP and I thought I was ready to revert back in case something went wrong with the upgrade.
Continue readingReact Starter Boilerplate with Hot Module Replacement and Webpack 3
This is a basic React boilerplate with React 16, Webpack 3 and Semantic UI React
Continue readingQuickly Set Up a Node ExpressJS Server to Serve a Static Site
Node is very practical and lets you set up a server very quickly, with just a few lines of code and allowing you to server your static site files.
I use Yarn as my preferred package manager, but you can use npm if you prefer.
Continue readingRemove Connected / Authorized Applications From Google, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and GitHub
We live in a world where everyone wants to have access to your online data, and most of the time we give that data willingly by either allowing some app in Facebook to access our contacts and personal information, or by signing up to some website using Twitter, either way we give up our personal identity all the time and that poses security risks. Unless is a trusted source, that third party app or website could be selling your personal information and making a fortune at your expense, sometimes even trusted sources resort to doing that.
I’m not gonna lie, I also allow third party apps or websites to access my information, just because is easier to sign up to WebsiteX with my Facebook credentials than with my good ol’ fashioned email/password.
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