Jekyll Gulp Boilerplate – Including SASS, PostCSS, BrowserSync, Autoprefixer

A boilerplate project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS, PostCSS, BrowserSync, Autoprefixer and deploy to GitHub Pages using Gulp.

The boilerplate is loaded with Bootstrap and jQuery (via CDN) to get you started with your projects. I have also included some SEO optimizations and Open Graph tags / Twitter Cards tags to tell Facebook and Twitter how shares to your site should display (Note: Look at _includes/metas.html and change accordingly).

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How to Connect Kodi to Your Synology NAS DSM (DiskStation Manager)

Having a NAS to store files is great, but having a NAS as a media server is awesome. If one of your purposes to have bought a Synology NAS was to have it as a media server, then having Kodi in your PC/Mac/Fire TV is a must. By now you probably know that your Synology NAS gives you an option to install Plex in the NAS itself, however Plex cannot play everything, unlike Kodi.

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