Move Items Between Two Select Lists Using jQuery – HTML Select Tag

Beautiful and simple implementation of two Select Lists (HTML Select Tags) to select multiple items from one ListBox to another.

Select a single or multiple items from one Select List and move it to the other Select List, you also have the ability to move all of the items at once.

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How to Override Default Validation Error Message for Integer or Decimal Property in ASP.NET MVC – The value ‘xxx’ is not valid for Property

Unfortunately Microsoft did not incorporate a DataAnnotation to change the default message The value ‘xxx’ is not valid for Property to a custom one.

This is when you create an int or decimal property in your model, you bind it to an input box (TextBoxFor) then try to submit the form, then you get this ugly looking message. Below I show you how to change it to whatever you want.

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The Bible King James Version and Modern Translations (NIV, ESV, NLT, ASV)

I always knew there were some missing verses in modern Bible translations when compared to the King James Version (KJV), but never really knew what those verses were, nor bothered to do some research on them. It was until a few weeks back that I intentionally took the task upon myself to do that research and compare modern Bible translations to the KJV.

Since there are a lot of Bible translations out there, I only took a few to compare, more specifically the New International Version (NIV), the English Standard Version (ESV), the New Living Translation (NLT), and the American Standard Version (ASV).

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Import and Update Single Contact using Constant Contact Email Marketing API in ASP.NET (C# and VB.NET)

I will be showing you how to import and update a single contact from your third party system to Constant Contact using the Constant Contact API. Here is the API description for the POST (Create) call and PUT (Update) call.

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How to Split Rows in a DataTable

You are given the assignment to create a CSV file report, and you say “No Problem, I just get the necessary data from SQL Server and create the CSV file”, however the columns have a max character length and Column13 has more characters than those allowed. How to handle this if you need to report all of the information in Column13?

The answer is to split that row into multiple rows. All columns will be duplicated (into the split rows) except for Column13 which will have the split information. Below I’ll show you how to accomplish this.

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