Build a Website with Modern Tooling and No Frameworks

In this tutorial we will be building a website without a front-end framework but making use of Webpack to support writing modern JavaScript (ES6+), including ES Modules and Sass. We all love React, Vue, Angular, [front-end framework]. But, it might be overkill to use them if you just need to build a simple website.

Compile Sass Files in Visual Studio and Webpack

Sass is a very popular CSS pre-processors and the intent of the tutorial is to show you how to compile Sass files within Visual Studio using Webpack, this will include minification and autoprefixing for production. Sure, there are some plug-ins on the Visual Studio Marketplace, and is nice to just install a plug-in and forget […]

React OAuth Authentication with Firebase – Tutorial

Build a secure React app that provides takes advantage of Firebase simplicity to consume OAuth Authentication with GitHub, Twitter and Facebook. For an app to be secure, we usually need to implement some kind of authentication, whether it is the basic username/password combo or a two-factor authentication. In this post we’ll learn how to leverage […]